Yoga by Sadhguru
What is Isha Hatha Yoga?
Isha Hatha Yoga
Isha programs
Hatha Yoga by Isha School is an unparalleled opportunity to explore classical hatha yoga in its full depth and manifestation. The programs are conducted by teachers who have been trained to a high level not only at the level of physical ability and strength.
Isha programs are a holistic process of achieving natural mastery over the body and mind in such a way as to arrive at a state of complete health, joy and bliss. These programs are a broad exploration of hatha yoga, reviving the various dimensions of this ancient science, which has largely lost its foundations in the world today.
The benefits
Improved ability to experience life
Promotes balance on physical and mental levels
Allows a person to reach their absolute potential
Increased energy and vitality
Improved thinking abilities
Improves health and brings prosperity
Clarity of mind and focus
A feeling of lightness and freedom
Select your programs
All practices are prepared with care for you. If there are any personal contraindications, please consult your physician
Read the list of contraindications to practicing
1. Intervertebral hernia in the acute phase.

2. Joint inflammation, particularly knee inflammation in the acute phase.

3. Post-traumatic and post-operative periods, particularly for the knees and spine

4. Pregnancy

5. Individual contraindications from the attending physician

6. Painful sensations from performing exercises
How is Isha Hatha Yoga different?
No yoga experience required
No special training or yoga experience is necessary - you will get all the necessary knowledge and skills in the classes
Does not require flexibility
You don't need to have special flexibility for Practicals - you can do all the exercises without training and over time your body will acquire the necessary qualities
Total 1 course of classes
You only need to take 1 course to learn each practice, which lasts 2-4 days. The program is specially designed so that you are fully immersed in the process and remember it
We teach not only physical exercise, but give a complete energetic and spiritual process that transforms the person
Practices can be done at home, without a teacher
After taking the training just 1 time, you will be able to perform the exercises on your own at home, in the gym and anywhere. You can also attend remedial classes with an experienced teacher to improve your practice.
A universal practice
for life:
Each Practice as a set of exercises is designed specifically for use throughout your life. Together with you, the Practice evolves and opens up new depths for you.
The revival of an ancient science
Certified teacher of Isha Hatha Yoga
Alexander Voronov
Since early childhood, I have been inquisitively observing what we humans do, what we create around us. Even then I came to realize that it is a certain expression of what is going on inside us. For a long time I could not find such a person, looking into whose eyes I would want to trust my life, my time and everything that can be trusted. But one day Sadhguru became such a person for me. Now I am doing only that which will allow other people to touch the boundless goodness that he selflessly broadcasts to the world.
As Sadhguru himself once said: "The idea is not to create a large number of temples all over the planet. The idea is that people themselves become walking, living temples. Don't let me die without seeing this."
I want my Guru to catch the time when every human being will find something within himself that will leave him in bliss, no matter what the circumstances.
I can only do this because of what I have researched experientially, namely the unique practices of Isha Yoga. They don't just change your health and mood. They contain such wisdom and power that changes everything about you to the point where you will inevitably rise above what you think you are right now. Make it a part of your life.
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